LET’S talk…  

infant feeding

Feeding is the first way we communicate and connect with our new babies. It does not always come naturally. There can be so much stress involved in deciphering infant feeding cues and even determining how to approach offering toddlers solid foods. After all, we all just want babies to grow well, eat healthy foods, and avoid picky eating and power struggles around mealtimes. We can help set you and your family up for success.

attachment parenting

So what is attachment parenting and why should I buy in? With all of these buzz words like sleep training, self soothing, gentle parenting, what am I supposed to focus on? And how to I balance taking care of myself and giving my child what he or she needs? Let’s dive into these concepts more together!

airway health & preventative healthcare

There is so much we can learn about airway health and oral motor function. It starts in the womb and in infancy. By looking at how each of us is breathing we can help babies develop optimally and set them up for success in the future in the areas of speech, feeding, sleep, and cognition. Many adults are dealing with problems stemming from the conditions associated with poor airway health. It’s much easier to help avoid these issues in the first place by intervening early and preventatively. Reach out to learn more about your baby’s tongue function and breathing to help set them off on the path for optimal facial and overall development as well as nasal breathing and quality sleep.